Windows 8 is Installed on 2% PCs worldwide After 3 Months of Release

Windows 8 is Installed on 2% PCs worldwide After 3 Months of Release

Win8-logo1Over 100 days have passed since Microsoft released it’s new Windows 8 to mainly-lukewarm reaction.

Three months later, sales worldwide still haven’t got the boost that the company must’ve been hoping for.

A recent report by Net Applications shows that the market share of Windows 8 stands at 2.26% worldwide compared to 44.48% of Windows 7, 39.51% of Windows XP and 2.44 percent of Mac OS X 10.8.

The market share is up from 1.72% which it had in December. Compared to Windows 7, which got 10% market share after six months, the sales are still lesser.

However, it must be noted that the 2.26% figure amounts to several million PCs so it’s not that bad when it comes to numbers.

Microsoft has revealed that it has sold 60 million Windows 8 licenses so far.

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