5 ways to recover deleted internet history data easily

5 ways to recover deleted internet history data easily

Nothing is ever deleted on a computer. Even though delete functions exist the data still remains somewhere in the computer, whether on the hard drive or in obscure files tucked away deep in the operating system. Recovering deleted internet history is quite straightforward if you know what you’re doing. And if you do want to know what you’re doing, read on.


There are many reasons why you would want to recover deleted internet histories. These range from anxious parents worried about whether their children are visiting inappropriate websites or being sucked into some nefarious underworld, to simply wanting to recover the forgotten URL of a website you used which was useful, but you thought you’d never visit again, until you remembered it.

The good news, or bad news, depending on your point of view is that even though you delete things and think that as a result everything you do on a computer has been erased, it’s simply not true. Somewhere on the computer there will be a record, including the internet history. You’ve probably heard tales about fraudsters and villains throwing computers in swimming pools or trying to set fire to them as the law closes in. These are dumb actions.  Unless you take a big fat magnet to the hard drive, everything you do on a computer remains on the computer and rarely will fire and water destroy the hard drive unless it’s an inferno or tsunami of immeasurable magnitude.

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