Best Portable Chargers For Smartphones and Tablets

best portable chargers for smartphones and tablets

If you’re going to be away from mains power for a few days or your phone or tablet simply won’t last a full working day, a power bank can be invaluable. Able to keep your USB-powered mobile devices going as long as you do, these portable chargers let you top up your battery wherever you are, ensuring that you always stay connected. We round up the 32 best power banks you can buy in the UK in 2015. Also see: How to charge your smartphone or tablet faster

Power banks come in all shapes, weights and capacities, from the emergency credit-card-sized Onaji Pawa that offers a quick boost to keep you going until you get home, to the ultra-high-capacity 22400mAh power bank from EC Tech, which might charge your phone 10 times – ideal if you’re going camping or have several devices to charge. Then there are those able to recharge their own battery using solar power, which could mean you never need charge your devices using mains power again. That could save you a few quid on the electricity bill.

Best power banks 2015 UK: Choosing a power bank

Several factors are important when choosing a power bank. One is portability: some of the devices we review over the following pages are small and light enough to slip into a pocket; others you’ll notice their presence even when slung in a bag. Pay particular attention to their weight and avoid bulky designs.

Another factor is capacity. It’s important to note that a power bank will not deliver its full advertised capacity to your device – some of this energy is lost through heat generated and voltage conversion. If a power bank manufacturer doesn’t expressly state otherwise, expect to achieve around 70 percent efficiency. A 10000mAh power bank might therefore deliver 7000mAh of power. Check the specification of your phone or tablet’s battery to estimate how many full charges you can expect from this.

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