Windows 8.1 Preview Released: What it Means and How to Get It

Microsoft released a preview of their update to Windows 8 today, and we’ve got all the details, starting with how to get your hands on it.

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Before we give you the download link, there are a couple of things you should keep in mind:

  • Windows 8.1 will be a Free update to Windows 8.
  • Windows 8.1 will be offered through the Windows App Store today, though you’ll need a small update to trigger it.
  • Tomorrow, there will be an ISO image download of Windows 8.1. MSDN and Technet subscribers can already download the ISO release.
  • Important: Once you upgrade to the 8.1 Preview, you can’t upgrade from that to the final release later this year.
  • Update: some PCs won’t run the 8.1 update, and the 64-bit version doesn’t work in a Virtual Box virtual machine from what we can tell.

First, you’ll need to head to this URL and download a small application to trigger the update. Open and install that update first. You will be asked to reboot at the end.

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